Locate WordPress Blocks on your website

Don’t lose track of where third-party blocks are used!
Quickly scan all pages of your site in seconds.

Find My Blocks found blocks page, also known as results page.

Full WordPress Search

Find blocks in any post, page or custom post type.

Yes, even Full Site Editing (FSE) Templates.

Perfect Maintenance Tool

Locate old third-party blocks you want to switch.

We’ve personally replaced multiple plugins in favor of patterns.

Fast for everyone

Batch processing & built with WordPress 6.5, PHP 8.3 and React 18.

Designed for small & large sites.


What can this plugin find?

Well, Find My Blocks will find your WordPress blocks


WordPress Core Blocks

All built-in WordPress will be found, including advanced blocks such as:

  • Image Blocks
  • Group Blocks
  • Synced Patterns (Reusable Blocks)


Third-Party Blocks

Finding WordPress blocks from “Block Providers” is the #1 use-case for FMB.

All third-party blocks will be detected.
Even if the original plugins are uninstalled.


Full Site Editing Templates

Find My Blocks fully supports the WordPress site editor.

Blocks made within FSE templates, template parts will also be found.


Custom Post Types

Our plugin will automatically determine which Post Types on your site are using the WordPress Block Editor.


Easy Filtering

Narrow down the specific blocks or Block Providers you are looking for with ease.

Brought to you by the creators of

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Find My Blocks slow down my site?

No, your site will remain fast. Our focus is always on performance.

Find My Blocks will only search for looks within it’s own setting page, therefore there should be no impact on the rest of your site.

Is it really free?

Yes! Even though we are a small team, the Find My Blocks plugin is free to use.

If you’d like to support us, consider purchasing a license for our paid plugin conditionalblocks.com

Are all the listed features available?

Yes! Everything is ready! Morgan Hvidt has rebuilt Find My Blocks & released v4.

Why are some WP templates not searched?

WordPress FSE themes will have default templates set up. These templates are not searchable until you edit them at least once.

Those templates are only stored in the database once you’ve customized them.

It’s free & powerful, add the Find My Blocks plugin to your WordPress workflow today.